Hello today! Yesterday I was exploring the world of Siebel hotkeys. Actually there are many hotkeys that can make your life easier. Only user and developer needs to be careful because they differ in Client and in Tools! For example to query in Siebel Web (or Dedicated) Client, you need to do Alt+Q then enter the text and press Enter. But in Siebel Tools to query you do Ctrl+Q. So yesterday surfing in net trying to find all combinations I realize that there’s no place to find them officially, like in bookshelf. But there were many of people writing in blogs and in forums about this and giving those discoveries about hotkeys and combinations. So I will not be lazy Siebel blogger and will give my part in this too. So downwards is some hotkeys I manage to find by myself in Siebel, some are taken from other sites. I don’t want to tell you that they all work, because I dint had time to test them all and maybe the keys differs from version to version, I don’t know. So here is my list:
Siebel Tools:
Ctrl + Q - Query
Ctrl + F7 - Srf Compile
Ctrl + F10 - Check In Object
Ctrl + E - Hide Unhide Object Viewer
Ctrl + Shift + F9 - Clears All the Creak Points
Siebel Client:
Alt + Q - Query
Alt + R - Refine Query
Ctrl + Shift + X - Log Out
Ctrl + Shift + A - Go to Site Map
Ctrl + W - Immediately Kills Active Window (Use It When Going Back Home)
F2 - Open Pick Applets and MVGs
Ctrl + Up - Previous Record
Ctrl + Down - Next Record
Alt + Down - Next 20 Records
Alt + Up - Previous 20 Records
Ctrl + 8 - When Siebel Client Hangs This Shortcuts Brings Back the Control to IE, And Then You Can Submit the New Requests
Ctrl + N - Add New Record
Ctrl + I - Insert New Record
Ctrl + D - Delete Record
Ctrl + B - Copy Record
Ctrl + Y - Redo Edits to Record
Ctrl + X - Cut
Shift + Delete - Cut
Ctrl + C - Copy
Ctrl + Insert - Copy
Ctrl + V - Paste
Shift + Insert - Paste
Ctrl + Z - Undo
Alt + Backspace - Undo
Ctrl + Y - Redo
Delete - Clear Text
Ctrl + P - Print
F9 - Send Mail
Ctrl + F9 - Send Fax
Shift + F9 - Send Page
Ctrl + L - New Correspondence
F1 - Help
Shift + F1 - Context Sensitive Help
Alt + F4 - Exit Application
Ctrl + H - History
Ctrl + G - Search
Enter - Carry Out an Action
Esc - Cancel an Action
Up - Up
Down - Down
Left - Left
Right - Right
Page up - Page Up
Page down - Page Down
F3 - Next Pane
Shift + F3 - Previous Pane
Tab - Tab Right
Shift + Tab - Tab Left
Ctrl + E - Drill Down
Ctrl + O - Switch Menu
Ctrl + Tab - Navigate Between Applets
Ctrl + Down - Navigate To Next Record
Ctrl + Up - Navigate To Previous Record
Insert - Insert
Delete - Delete
Delete - Backspace
Ctrl + Q - New Query
Ctrl + R - Refine Query
Enter - Execute Query
Ctrl + S - Save Query As
Ctrl + K - Use Saved Query
Pick list:
F2 - Popup Pick list
Enter - Pick Selected Record in Pick list
Arrow Keys - Navigate To Appropriate Record
Ctrl + N - Add New Record
F2 - Popup Association List
Enter - Add Selected Records
Arrow Keys - Navigate To Appropriate Record
Ctrl + N - Add New Record
Ctrl + U - Display the List of Values for Thread Field
Multivalue Group (MVG):
F2 - Popup MVG List
Enter - Add Selected Records
Arrow Keys - Navigate To Appropriate Record
Ctrl + N - Add New Record
Dialog Box:
Tab - Move to Next List Box, Option Group
Shift + Tab - Move To Previous List Box
Arrow Keys - Move within Active List Box
Esc - Close List Box
Enter - Choose the Default Command
Esc - Cancel the Command, Close List
Home - Move to Beginning of an Entry
End - Move To End Of an Entry
Arrow Keys - Move One Character Left or One Right
Shift + Home - Select From Cursor to Start Of Entry
Shift + End - Select From Cursor to End of Entry
Shift + Left - Select Character to Left of Cursor
Shift + Right - Select Character to Right of Cursor
Field Controls:
F2 - Show A Calendar
F2 - Show A Calculator
F2 - Show A Text Box
Screen Specific:
Ctrl + T - Threads in Progress Button
Ctrl + F - Find
This is awesome!!!!
ReplyDeleteCTRL + ALT + K = Find out who and when modified last entry
ReplyDeleteCtrl + d is not working .
ReplyDeletePriviously it was giving pop up.
Pls help
CTRL + D has always been used for deleting records.
Deletehi guys, do kwnow how to enable Ctrl + b on a applet from siebel tools ?